Friday, 8 June 2012

A Great Opening!

Despite the weather we had a very busy day! The opening service was well attended and Lady Eames cut the ribbon to announce that the Flower Festival was well and truly open. The arrangements looked splendid and many visitors commented on the vibrancy of the colours and the originality of the designs. Well done Heather! The coaches brought visitors from further afield  and many local folk came in their droves. We were delighted that the well honed catering team coped well with those who had booked  lunches and high teas.
 Inside the living room in the cottage
 Cutting the ribbon
 The cottage minus it's chimney

A busy time for all in one of the two marquees

The Sexton's cottage was open for the plant sale in one room and the baking of soda bread and card sales were in the other. It was hard to believe that it was just about 12 weeks of a make-over with many long hours by a few hardy and dedicated volunteers! Do pop in tomorrow from 10am to 9pm and you will be made most welcome.

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