Monday 11 June 2012

Closing the Festival

Last night was sunny and warm and the Kilmood area was busy with people coming back to the church for the closing service at 7pm. The service was lead by the Area Dean the Reverend Willie Dixon and the address was given by Reverend Ray Devenney who had been a minister in the parish for 19 years about 10 years ago.Looking around the church I recognised many  members of other churches in the area as well as our own parishioners The church was full to capacity so when Killinchy Silver Band led by Irene McIlveen started to play, the congregation rose to the challenge and sang with great gusto! Again we remembered the Reverend Allen Delamere, the man who suggested this event but sadly did not live to see the final outcome. As the church emptied everyone headed for the marquees where they were treated to tea and coffee and delicious cakes and tray bakes. The community spirit is truly alive and well here in Co Down.  Meanwhile, the Sexton's cottage was bathed in the evening sun. More photos to follow in the next post!

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